Coronavirus COVID-19 Announcement

Written on March 3, 2020 in

The outbreak of the coronavirus, known as COVID-19, is attracting universal attention. We, at Tappex, take the Health and Safety of our employees and guests as a priority. As we continue to monitor guidance from various government and regulatory agencies regarding travel restrictions and Health and Safety precautions, we would like to ask that you follow the precautionary actions below for the foreseeable future:

  • All on-site visits to be cancelled with meetings conducted through Microsoft Teams, Skype, conference calls, or other online collaboration tools.
  • All Tappex visits to customers to be rescheduled or conducted through a collaboration tool.
  • In the event that a face-to-face meeting is required and approved, both parties are advised to follow sensible government advice regarding hygiene and avoid any physical contact such as handshakes.
  • Any supply risk (tooling, machine spares, services, factored parts etc.) should be reported to your Tappex contact immediately and any supply information requested by Tappex should be actioned immediately.

Thank you for your continued support. The Health and Safety of our employees, customers and suppliers is our priority.
T.J.R. Barnsdale.
M.D. Tappex Thread Inserts Ltd.